Root Cause Analysis Methodology Workshop (RCA)
Root Cause Analysis Methodology Workshop (RCA)
Understand the requirements to develop the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methodology and its application in a company case, as well as the basic concepts to develop an analysis of the economic benefits of the implementation of the recommended actions.
Addressed to:
Managers, Chiefs, Planners, Supervisors, Analysts, reliability personnel and maintenance support personnel who require to know and apply the Root Cause Methodology (ACR) in their process of analysis and management of failures and occurrences in their facilities.
- Introduction
- Concepts of Failures, Criticality and Consequences
- Analysis of historical performance and event information
- ACR participants and team formation
- ACR Methodology Development
- Evaluation of ACR results
- ACR Actions Monitoring
- Benefit/cost analysis for ACR
- Practical exercises
18 Hours
Virtual – Zoom Platform
– Per participant (according to calendar)
– By company group (according to quote)